Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weekly Update 8-26-2012

Since we had been going all weekend we didn't go to Hawaiian Falls on Monday. We really just hung out around the house and did some laundry. I got an order to do some embroidery work so I got started on that. On Tuesday, we went to soccer practice. I had to work that night. Wednesday we went to the lake with some of Randy's friends, Clint, Jennifer, Brody, and Brenley. Clint and Jennifer play on Randy's indoor coed soccer team.
After the lake, we went and ate at our favorite restaurant, Los Charros. Thursday, was another busy day. Work, soccer, swim, and softball. Friday we went to Hawaiian Falls as this would probably be our last trip this summer. Avery starts school Monday. We had bought a souvenier cup because I had a coupon for it and for some reason, I like to collect cups from different places. Twice Kendall knocked over our cup, she better be glad I had free refills.
I finished working on my embroidery order today. I must say it looks amazing.
On Sunday, Talan had a soccer game. My cousin, Megan and Aunt Ann were in town. They came up with Mom and Dad to watch Talan. We lost 13-6, Talan scored 3 goals. After the game, we went to eat lunch. We went to Posados to enjoy some time with our family from out of town.
As usual, I'm not in any pictures, but for some reason the picture I took of Dad and Megan isn't loading either. BOO, sorry Dad. It was so short, but I am glad we were able to see Ann and Megan. After we left the restaurant, we came home and everyone took a nap. By the time we got up it was 6:30. I did some embroidering and Randy worked for a little bit.

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