Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Update 8-12-12

On Monday of course we went to Hawaiian Falls. I always leave thinking I should have taken pictures and never do. I guess I will try to do that on our next couple of trips. On Tuesday, Talan of course had soccer practice. I have been kind of frustrated the last couple of practices. I want Talan to be learning new skills and practicing those skills. Instead he is playing mock games with kids he doesn't play on a team with and learning bad habits in my opinion. Hopefully we can get back to learning some new things in our next practice. On Wednesday, Avery and I were crazy enough to drag 3 kids around on some errands. I was going to make Alivia a birthday shirt and needed some new software for my embroidery machine. There is a place in Plano that sells Brother products. I had called a couple days before and they had the software in stock. Don't you know that when we got there, they were sold out. While we were there I bought a couple of things I needed anyways. We went to Hobby Lobby after that. After this trip out, I again don't know how my mom did it with 4 girls. Here is a picture of us all on the way home.
Later that night we went to the lake. Debbie, Paul, Joshua and Zachary came with us. Randy threw them around the lake on the tube a little bit. They both tried to wake board. I am sure that they were not going to be able to feel their arms the next day. After the lake we had dinner at Chili's. Avery text me later that night and said "note to self and friend...don't get on the scale after you have stuffed yourself at dinner". I told her I felt like there was never a time I wanted to be on a scale. LOL On Thursday before work I made Alivia's birthday outfit. I think it turned out really great.
On Friday we had dinner at BJ's before Randy's soccer game. My favorite place. I was quite disappointed in my mini pizookie. It was like eating raw cookie dough. I am all for eating raw cookie dough, but not in this instance. It's like expecting one thing and getting another. BOO! Saturday I had to work. Sunday we went to Talan's soccer game. They won 7-4. Talan scored 4 goals. He played so well. He really understands the game. I don't want him to grow up too fast, but I can't wait to see what his future holds. After the game, we went to Alivia's birthday party. It was at Avery's aunt's house. Talan got to go swimming for a little bit. He really enjoys swimming. Alivia got a bunch of goodies and looked super cute in her birthday outfit.
We came home and watched our favorite show Falling Skies. There is only 1 more week until the season finale. The season seems like it just started.

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